I pretty much hate anything "politics." I usually fluctuate between disgust and indifference in my feelings towards politics, politicians, pundits, and the other bottom dwellers who feed in those waters. I will admit the phenomena (at least it's a phenomena to me..) of the change people make from being kids playing games and throwing rocks at folks for sport to these seemingly one dimensional babbling cardboard cutouts, with their monotone rhetoric that, probably by design, matches their drone attire. There's gotta be something inherently wrong when all these well off and learned people keep closets full of blue and grey suits and blue and red ties. And then we wonder why the "discourse" (stop..and look at that word again and think about how it's being used - 'political dis-course') is so bland and sheepish.
Look, I don't mean to sound like an asshole and just paint with a broad brush for philosophical convenience. I would think that many of these folks had intentions at one time to help others and to make things happen in their communities. However, as an observer and in my opinion, there is a definite "culture" (again..words and their meaning/intention..) of politics. One must dress, speak, act, and yes think in a very one dimensional, cardboard way. From the way they all hold their hand in that half-fist, pointy index finger knuckle thing when they are trying to flaunt their half witted ideas to the no tie, sleeves rolled up speeches when they want to appear manly or blue collar or "one of you." Pfffft...And don't forget the ubiquitous flag lapel and the plastic news anchor hairdo and gravitas. Jaded? You bet.
I was genuinely happy when Barack and Michelle painted the White House. It was about time..nay, overdue, and on top of all the feel good groovyness and sense of "FINALLY!!", the brother is actually cool, highly intelligent and a credit to his family but I never once bought into all the "change" gobbeldy-gook. Sorry if you did. I really don't know if he is really a sincere brother who through determination, will, and the sheer force of his cult of personality and his hope audacity was thrust into this place and position or if he's a patsy. I don't waste time, electricity and brain cells traversing the labyrinth twists and turns (most leading to dead ends..) of the myriad conspiracy theories that inhabit the internets and "conscious" book stores right next to the Zane section...and don't forget your bootleg copy of Pinky's latest dvd on your way out. But if you look close enough at a few of them (the theories, not the dvd's you pervs), they work well at tickling the intrigue fancy.
So the next line should go something like, "This leads me to the question, 'Why are we dropping bombs over Libya?'" But I think I know....I have no fucking idea. Kinda reminds me of the saying, "If God intended for the human body to be opened up He would've included zippers.." Or something to that effect. True enough, but i guess if somehow it was determined that I needed surgery for something I think I would be a little partial to precision instruments. And so the problem is people truly believing that bombs dropped from metal carrion somehow turn to seeds that sprout venture capitalists and "western-style" democracy and white-Jesus freaks in brown countries who in return pawn their sovereignty and natural resources and that wars birth peace. What an exquisite game of chess. Who the fuck is "the West?" What is that. And why is it called the West when the members of this club are not all located in some western place? What does it really mean? Call it what it is. And then we'll all be clear as to the intentions and geo-political interests of these "West" folks.
My, my..I'm so sure that my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents and so on, would have really appreciated some intervention, regime change, sanctions, frozen assets, cluster bombs and precision missles dropped on their behalf when they were fighting nobley sans resources other than righteous will for their basic human dignity and right to live whole and un-fucked with by politics. All the colonialism and culturization and blood of generations have ensured that most important of all, middle America remains insular, heavily armed and utterly terrified of boogiemen and that prince William and Kate continue the fairy tale. Hope no one has anything important to say during the wedding. It's all about the ratings.
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