As Above [cuts by Delight] - Cor Stidak x Keor Meteor

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Thanks for coming. While you're here...

Born day and inauguration all wrapped up in one for this lil slice o' reality in the robes of a blog.  But let's face it, all this is supposed to be IS a slice of reality...relatively speaking.  I could go on but let's just get this thing rolling.  Here i will document life, thoughts and ideas, and stories that resonate with me.  I hope to grow and shed light not necessarily to an audience (who, in essence, would be an extension of my own thoughts anyway..sheesh), but to and for myself as well and mainly.

Anyone who knows a particular facet of me, knows that i have a lifelong love of music and art.  Well, since i'm still living and alive i still have those loves.  I have had the pleasure of knowing and being inspired personally by some beautiful and amazing people.  Not only by their talents but also by their artistry in the way they make a path for themselves and turn turn thoughts not just into daydreams but into concrete realities.  Is that not a microcosm or analogous toThe Creation (if one should believe in such a thing) or conception or a big bang, or something?   (I'm not high, i swear!!)

Moving right along...the STIDAK project is my music meditation.  I'll get into the name Stidak in another post.  If you're reading this, there's a good chance it's because of Stidak.  I have been quite private and insular with my craft for the past 7 years.  Not because of any ego(i don't think..) or lack of opportunity, but because i tend to operate in cycles and also because i just became uninspired and felt like everything around me was manufactured and processed for forgettable fast food  "fulfillment"(?) and folly.  I don't think i was that wrong.  I don't think i'd go so far as to say "HIP HOP IS DEAD",  though i appreciate the brother's intent.  People keep accepting mediocrity and bullshit and while art is universal, and expression is beautiful, and everyone should be able to express themselves, not everyone expresses artfully.  My opinion, though, huh?  I'm know what i do will not resonate with everyone.  But peace, just the same.  The album title is "13 Treatises of a PENdulum Slave."  I will make songs available for download in the coming days and weeks on a few different sites.  Links to come.  I worked with a friend or two and got a couple beats from some cats in Pittsburg and a link up from Switzerland by way of SF..haha.  But the rest is SEE CYPH production.  Much more to come.

"..subliminal punishment through media coverage,
24 hour access to your puzzle grid,
the grand wizard, vampiric man-lizard
stand rigid and examine my kilogram lyrics.."
-  COR STIDAK,  "wind of change"

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