I'm a heathen. Sorry. Mama ain't raise me like that. She was raised Baptist. Dad and them were A.M.E. What's the difference? Lord knows....but does "He" give a shit? Somewhere along the line Mom got the inkling that she wanted us to be Lutheran (?). So, far be it from 10 year old me to object. I still really don't know what the big deal and differences are. I mean i know there are subtle, and some not so, philosophical differences in application and..er..pfft..blah, blah. Is it just me (yea, probably) or is there a subconscious "demon" vibe in the word "denomination?" I kid (sort of..). It just seems to further the whole Tower of Babel (babble) metaphor. There is a old Persian story of how the creator contained the knowledge and secrets of the universe in a mirror and one day broke the mirror into thousands of pieces and disseminated the pieces to all the "religions" so that they would all have a piece of the "ALL." Everything is connected.
Now the reason I said I was a heathen is not because I worship the devil. But because I have released myself of the manacles of dogma. What a freeing feeling. In full disclosure, I must say that I do not necessarily consider myself an atheist. My journey has allowed me to study and be immersed in everything from Christianity to Rastafari, Islam (5%, Black, and Sunni), Taoism (though not officially a religion), Ma'at (again, not a religion per se, but a code of behavior). However, I don't claim any of them and thus none can claim me so it allows me to engage and interact to an extent within all of these ways of thought. I look into the small piece of broken mirror and see the whole. Some people are adamant that only the small piece of broken mirror they allow themselves to look into is the only truth so therefore any other piece must be counterfeit, wrong or ...e-vil. I'm cool with that. Just read the "No Soliciting" sign on my door before you think of ringing the bell. No offense.
With that said, last Sunday my mom asked me to come to her church for some special family service or something. I went and actually enjoyed the service. The pastor was speaking on some things like the fallacy of the notion of a "just war" and the hubris of the 'foreign policy'. I was looking around and as a few of the old grey haired noggins wobbily nodded in seeming agreement, I was thinking to myself, "Are you fuckers getting this?" I won't say too much, but suffice it to say that most of the people in the pews loved them some "W", and buy into the just war thing.

What then would I consider just war? Wage jihad on yourself. Drop some cluster bombs on that aspect of your personality that makes you indifferent or callous. There are some evil insurgents planning attacks and suicide bombs in your mind and heart everyday. Greed, hate, indifference, ignorance, laziness, dishonesty, group-think, lack of creativity, and lack of self love are fucking shit up daily. Are you guarding against those forces? Because I may be wrong but shouldn't the goal of any good "religion" be to lead and abet one in the mastery of one's self and the recognition of the connection to all things? If there is a creator who created all things then did it not create both good and evil? Rhetorical question of course. Though I'm sure there are as many answers as shards of glass from a broken mirror. By the way, do you know what you see in the mirror's reflection? Know yourself.
and on that note please enjoy this very fine musical selection. "Crown Chakra" - Cor Stidak/Keor Meteor.